This is my idea for the next quilt. Freddy Moran has some of these interesting people in Collaborative Quilting and I thought I'd give them a try. If I can get them looking the way I want I might build a house for each couple. So far I think I like the middle one the best. The lady in green is a bit too chesty. Lol. I should have cut the triangle a bit smaller at the top. I do like her big clunky clogs though. The man's legs are different sizes and there is a bit of a problem with his head. Maybe it's too big and off to one side a bit.
They are really fun to make although the feet are a bit challenging. Nothing comes close to the Rooster's feet though, so I'm not complaining.
Aw, c'mon. You can call the lady in green Jane Russell. I love her clogs!
Maybe if you'd given the 'hefty' one vertical stripes she'd appear slimmer... lol (Speaking as a plump woman who'd never be caught dead in a big floral print dress.)
I like the lady in green - she reminds me of a big Jamaican lady with her big flowered dress. You could make a people of the world quilt.
I do like your lady in the center -- but have to admit the lady in green has much better taste in shoes. I'd leave her -- after all, there are all types of bodies out there in the world!
Groovy people - I'm with Atet - and anyway, none of us are symmetrical.
Great folks to put together on a quilt.. I love them all and would happily embrace all the body shapes. They are wonderful, can't wait to see more.
I like them all - they look like just the kind of folk I would enjoy having in my neighborhood *s*
Love the chicken quilt - it has turned out just wonderful.
I really like all of them! People come in all shapes and sizes!! Can't wait to see what you do with them. I have that Collaborative Quilting book too and love it.
Another great fun idea! I love the chesty one! She could be a granma!
This will be another fun project to follow.
Love the floral (just not on me!) These are great! (As usual!) tracey
the three blocks look great. I'm always amazed at the different quilts you make. Are you following a pattern for the blocks?
I like the man - looks like he is putting his foot in to do the hookey pokey!
I like them all, too ! Especially the lady in green (she looks like me ! LOL).
Is it a published pattern ?
... OMG !, How come, that each time I visit one blog, I'm ready to abandon my current project(s), and start a new one ? (LOL)
Hugs & smiles !
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