I have tried several different ways of finishing the chickens. I am a bit limited with the brown fabric. What I have up on the design wall is all that I have.
I think the pointed roof needs somthing up there at the point to relieve all that brown but I'm not sure what. I did think of piecing the year 2007 but I'm not sure if that would look strange or not. I also thought of a star but not sure what color. Any ideas?
The plain square frame looks good to me too because it doesn't distract from the chickens. I think it will sit there for a couple of days while I cook for Easter dinner. Maybe I'll get some opinions from my quilty granddaughters when they come on Easter Sunday.
If we all get one vote, then mine is for the second one with the flat roof. Are you going to do a chicken wire quilting pattern on this quilt with silver thread?
How about a loft door with a clucking hen and a rooster weather vane on the point......Henrietta
I love the second or middle one! I also think the loft door would be perfect! The second one looks more like a barn to me :)
It looks like you really are having some fun with this one!
The middle one is too cute!!!
I also vote for the second one with something in 'there' to fill it.
I like the second pic -- the roof flattened out.... Happy Easter
I *love* the chickens wallhanging! I like the rooftop in the second picture, too. Maybe making it 1/2 to 1/3 the size that it is and extending it down and out on either side of the words would give the same look but give it a "filled in" feeling that's missing with the taller roof. (I hope you can visualize what I mean...) :)
I like both roofs. A loft door and weather vane are great ideas.
I like the second one...not sure why, but it just seems the most balanced. Look forward to seeing the end result.
My vote would also be for the second one with the flattened roof. I guess it's more barn-like? A loft door sounds good and would relieve some of the brown-ness. It's looking really good!
I like the second one too! Perhaps not quite so high?
I am sure you granddaughters will offer opinions.
I like the egg fabric in there - the quilt is looking great.
I also like the barn shaped roof in the second picture. I also think a little open loft door - I remember my grandparents barn had a little loft door. Sometimes the cats would sit up there and look out over the farm.
I like the second one.
Put me down for the middle one, too. It just looks more 'coop-y' or barn-y' than the others.
Wow, this quilt is looking so great. I love number two - it gave me a chuckle. I'm amazed to see so many folks in agreement. Good luck.
I guess i'm in the minority for liking the pointy roof, but maybe I'd like the flatter roof if there were less of it, or it had a loft door. Whichever roof you choose, I love the cute quilt! It's great and makes me smile!
I vote for either the top or middle one... BUT since the words are 'nobody here but us chickens' how bout a fox face or big bad wolf type up there in the top? With a big grin? OR... with a feather sticking out of the side of his mouth, and a few more on the hayloft floor around his front paws... :D Or you could suggest feathers by quilting them there...
The second one for me. :}
I, too, like the second one ... as though you need another opinion.
Joyce, this is wonderful!
Second one for sure, with a rooster weather vane and a cat!
The second one is a clear pick, looks like all my real chook houses.
I was going to suggest something in the weather vane, chooks on the roof idea as well for filling in the brown. Another idea is cutting out a complete section and having an upper level cage in the roof section but then you would need a few more chooks. Tracey
Oh it is wonderful! I love the one with the flat roof. My first thought for something up there was a weathervane also. Actually a weathervane with a fox on it would be really funny! And would even make the words funnier!
I'm going to chime in for the second one with a loft door. This one is just cracking me up!
Another vote for the second one here. It just looks more like a chicken coop to me. Love, love, love the way this is turning out!
I rather like the pointy roof, but the flat one is good too. How about a cheeky seagull on either roof?
I vote for the second one with maybe an addition on the top? One that got away or my first thought was a weather vane but I have not seen a coop with one. How about another Architectural item-cupolas?
some photos on this link.
Anything you decide will be great
Happy Easter Joyce. I just love how your chooks are looking!
I like the second one - flat roof. Adds some height and interest, but I don't really like the pointy one as much. For what it's worth!
Boy, what a dilemma. I'm terrible at deciding that sort of stuff, but it looks like you have lots of advice! Very Cute.
Oh, and I forgot to say, thanks for your very nice comments on my blog!
I like the middle roof. How about a weather vane on the top?
Oooh I do like the middle one, it looks more like a hen house. It's great.
I agree with those who chose the second one, it´s so cute
I like the second one Joyce. It looks pretty cool that way :)
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