Well, between New Years Parties and entertaining granddaughters I haven't done much quilting. We did some Batik and silk painting though and I learned how to make cables and feathers without a pattern. I borrowed a book from the library called Quilting with Style by Gwen Marsdon and Joe Cunningham and in it they explain in very clear terms how to do your own marking without a template. Maybe on my next border. They are mostly interested in hand quilting and I prefer machine. That's why I am so impressed with this book.

I have decided to start Sacha's quilt using the patterns in this book. I will do only quilting and no piecework. That's a first for me. I plan to do one side in gray blue and the other side in white muslin with white thread on both sides. On the white side I will use pink or blue floral for the sashing and matching on the blue side. Each square will showcase a different pattern. They are fun to do and don't take very long with the machine.

I had a lot of problems with the stipple pattern on the second one. I think it is poor quality thread so I will invest in different thread tomorrow. I have solved the mystery of why I couldn't get the free-motion foot to work before though. I didn't realize that there is a halfway position on the presser foot for doing that. It makes all the difference in the world. I have a Pfaff quilitng machine and I love it but still have a lot to learn on it.

Hopefully it will be a great quilt that will look as good on both sides so that she can change the mood of her room by flipping over the quilt. The pink sashing is just pinned on to see how it would look but I think I will look for some pastel floral rather than the checks.