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Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Jungle Quilting

Yesterday at the thrift shop, I found a whole stack of quilting magazines. They are a bit old, mid 90s but still a lot of fun to look through. I thought it was a good deal for 10 cents each.

Here are a couple of close-ups of the quilting on the jungle. It is as wonky as the piecing, which I suppose is all right. I am looking at it as a practise piece.


meggie said...

Enjoy those Mags!
I love the Jungle quilt, & the wonky quilting just adds to it's charm.

quiltpixie said...

sounds like Christmas in your house! Enjoy cuddling under a quilt and reading...

Faith said...

wow its is always a treasure when you find little magical finds like books and mags on quilting and other crafty things in charity shops. Everyday you are learning something new even if youve looked at some pictures ten times you still find a bit that you didnt notice before. I do love the wonky trees for you jungle piece idea you just need some little monkeys now and some where a roaring lion lol


Cynthia said...

your quilting is looking good.

Duyvken said...

10c a piece! What a bargain. Love your jungle quilt, the colours are wonderful.

Ali Honey said...

Good buying Girl what a find! Love your wee animals living in the jungle houses. Quilting looks suitable to me.

Libby said...

What a treasure to find the magazines. I sometimes go back and look at my old editions with fresh eyes. What was once too difficult or didn't appeal to me is now the perfect project. I suppose someday I will have to cull throught them and dispose of some -- I'm not looking forward to that day.

Feeling Simply Quilty said...

Vintage is the most popular thing right now. We loved reliving/experiencing the past. I can be nostalgic about quilts I've seen in the '90's. And finding mags for .10 is a win/win-saving money and getting inspiration...don't get much better than that in the quilt world.

Elaine Adair said...

Love the little critters peeking out the doors/windows!

Are you cold enough this AM? It's minus 24 degrees here in the Sandhills of Nebraska. High wind warnings expected tomorrow, up to 60 mph! Arrrghhh - how did the pioneers survive? Were they quilting?

lazy cow said...

I love the colours on that quilt. One day I'll be brave enough to attempt something like that!

Clare said...

As I said before that quilting is definitely not wonky. The Quilt Police aren't watching you are they? LOL

Unknown said...

Lucky girl! I love reading quilt magazines even if they are a bit old. You can still make some of the projects with the new yummy fabrics and they will look great.
Have fun!

YankeeQuilter said...

Like the big polka dots on the border in your quilt...very fun. Great buy on the old quilting magazines!

mathea said...

If that's wonky, wonky is good! I'm looking forward to seeing the whole quilt. Loved your "Hot City Nights", by the way -just didn't get round to commenting before.
Lucky you finding those magazines - plenty of inspiration for almost nothing. The one to the right looks fmiliar, I think I might have a copy of it somewhere...

Luísa Silva said...

We have no quilting tradition in my country so these kind of bargains are impossible. Today's magazines are all imported (and just a few of them) or can be bought in the internet and sometimes the portuguese retailers double the original price. I think you are a lucky lady. Enjoy!

Mrs. Goodneedle said...

This quilt is enchanting, the quilting looks great. I have a closet FULL of old (mid to early 90's) quilt magazines... can't bear to toss them, maybe I should try to sell them?

MARCIE said...

Your old quilt book puts me in awe of the quilters who didn't have rotary cutters! It also makes me realize how quickly things become "antiques". The older I get the more antiques I recognize on a personal level!