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Tuesday, February 27, 2007


Well, thanks for all the comments on the sashing. It seems that you are pretty well split down the middle on the checked sashing. I have decided that I want to keep the squares and not accent the cross shapes so much so the checks will have to go. I may keep some just at the intersections of the sashing. I also think it would be harder to quilt as you go with this type of sashing. So the next decision is what colour? I am thinking some sort of neutral gray. I have to go to town today so I may have a look for a nice gray or maybe even black, although I have a feeling that would be too dark. I don't have anything suitable in my stash. Too many bright colors!

Since I have no quilt pictures, here is another one of Simba enjoying the snow.


Libby said...

Simba looks as though something is spied that requires pouncing on. I love that 'dog thinking' face *s*

Laurie Ann said...

Simba is so handsome. Disco likes to eat snow too. I swear in the winter he hardly ever drinks from his water bowl. :)

Diana said...

Keep us up to date with what you decide on the sashing. The gray sounds better to me, but it's hard to tell without seeing it.

Luísa Silva said...

Let us know what you decide about the sashing. Simba has a nice hairy coat to protect him. I am cold just for seing him on the snow.

Silverthimble said...

Good luck in the search for sashing fabric. By the looks of the picture of Simba you still have plenty of that white stuff! We are getting another blast today. Will Spring ever get here?

Faith said...

this looks great and simba looks like hes enjoying the snow