I found this neat thing on Kim's blog. You type your name and the word needs with no quotes, into Google and see what you need. Here is my list. I am not at all pleased with number 4 but that is what came up. The second one is great and the last one is probably true. Lol.
Joyce needs:
1. a belt
2. a little support here!
3. your family updates to the PRESENT
4. more guns, not fewer
5. a talented producer
Here is what I did this morning. We had a nice lunch just out of the oven.
Here is a photo of a book that was in with the magazines from the thrift shop. It was printed in 1962. You can tell it was made before computers were available. Or rotary cutters. Still, some of the patterns are still interesting. I haven't had a chance to read the articles yet but they could prove to be interesting too. You will notice that I paid a whopping 50 cents for this one.
And a couple of the pages.
books like that can be such a find... My prbablem is I'm a paper snob, and find the old yellow newsprint just too unappeaking a tactile expereince to enjoy the browsing as much as I do with newer things... :-(
Hi Joyce, I'm giggling here over your "find"....LOL, I have that book, but it was purchased back when the price was higher(in the pre-rotary days) and few books were available. It's a good resource book, and fun to read and look at the drawings.
I made a hand pieced Jack In The Box from that book..*VBS*
Love your Hot City Nights, they are looking very hot indeed!! And have to say your jungle quilt does look great. Keep up the good work, Hugs, Finn
Hi Joyce , I'm giggling too as I have that book and got it for less than you at a book fair. Mine hasn't got patterns for ALL the blocks pictured on the front cover which I thought a bit strange! ( maybe some pages are missing but I don't think so ) Enjoy yours and do tell if you make something from it!
I have that book too! And it was my FIRST quilt book too! I think I even have some sandpaper templates...oh dear! I guess that REALLY dates me huh? The author Ruby McKim originally published them as free patterns in the newspaper.
Your bread loaves look really yammy. I love making bread too but I never make more than one loaf at a time. Do you have such a big family?
The colors of the front cover from the book are lot of fun. Fancy making something like that!
Old books and magazines are a lot of fun to page through and study. Often I find that what we quilters are all thinking is so new and innovative...has been done in the past!
Your loaves of bread look delightful. Nothing better than hot fresh-baked bread!
Old quilt books are new if you've never seen them - I love scoring piles of old quilt magazines. Update the fabrics and it's all good! Byt templates and scissors? "Groan"
I laughed at the old quilt book- I have one very similar, that a friend gave me.
Your bread looks delicious.
Thank you for your kind birthday wishes!
Look forward to seeing your next project.
I cannot imagine quilting life before rotary cutters - now that was a great invention.
Okay Joyce -- I googled Pam needs --
1. Pam needs a sperm donor.
2. Pam needs no net to net a man.
I think I'll stop there -- LOL.
More guns?
What ARE you up to, my dear?
LOL -- it's been a lot of fun reading about what folks "need."
I love baking bread.....
I often buy old quilting books and magazines - if you only see one thing in each that you like, it is worth buying them for that if they're cheap enough.
Hi Joyce;
Great book! I have a few like that myself LOL!
As for the "needs" thing I tried it too but all that I get are hurricain Katrina stuff. :(
Hi, thanks for your comments on my blog. I love getting new commenters. I was looking through your blog and was really enjoying your village and cityscape quilts. I love lots of color.
Thats a reprint of a classic. I think the original printing was either 1929 or sometime in the 1930's. You should be able to find the date somewhere on the copyright page. This is the first quilting book I ever bought. I bought it with allowance and baby sitting money when I was 13 or 14. That was about 1959 or 1960. The cover on mine is different from yours. I poured over that book so many times in the next few years, dreaming of the day I could actually guy enough fabric to try making a quilt.
Do you share your recipes? I'd love that bread recipe!
You have my support Joyce. Are you going to make that block? I have a hard time imagining a pattern in fabric that is available to me.
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