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Wednesday, August 15, 2007

New Sewing Machine

Yesterday at the Thrift Shop I found a partner for my antique toy sewing machine. It was only $4, which was probably about $3 too much but I couldn't resist it just for the contrast. Maybe I will put a shelf up in the sewing room and call them the start of a collection. It runs on batteries and I haven't even tried to see if it works. I think they just look so cute together. Sorry about the messy background, but you get the idea.

Here is a Walking Stick insect that came into the house on some laundry yesterday. Apparently they are very rare in this area. It was a lucky one because I thought it was a twig and picked it up from a towel. I nearly freaked out when it started to move and threw it across the room instinctively. Luckily, we had a friend visiting who knows a lot about insects and he rescued it and brought it outside. I know nothing about their habits but I hope it has a long and happy life in our front yard.


Rosalyn Manesse said...

Well, I suppose I could use your photo and make an applique of the insect--but wait a minute--what quilt whould I sew that on? Roz

Laurie Ann said...

Cool walking stick. I am glad he was okay! We have praying mantis and they are pretty cool too.

Donna said...

Walking sticks are really fun insects -- and yes, quite rare in Manitoba, though not unheard of....

I love the irony of a pink "white" sewing machine :-) fun purchase.

meggie said...

Cute little find, the pink machine!
I had a little toy sewing machine that did chain stitch. I wonder what happened to it.
We found a huge foot long Stick insect above our front door. I am glad it didnt come inside! G0m took it & put it in a tree.

Libby said...

What a cutie little machine *s* They look great together.
I'm with you . . . a long and happy life - outside!

Sew Create It - Jane said...

I'd freak our too if a stick started to move! LOL I also like your new addition..a girl can't have too many sewing machines ;o) Incidentally I bought one similar for my daughter so we can sew side by side...not that that's happened yet.

Angie said...

Oh Joyce, I LOVE your sewing machines!! I would have given $4 for it and been quite happy. :> I have NEVER seen a Walking Stick bug (here in northeast TN). REally interesting bug, I wonder if there are any here.

Judy said...

We have those "Walking Sticks" here and I just can't get used to them. They are a bit creepy looking to me too! I don't blame you for your reaction, especially if they are not common in your part of the world.


Ali Honey said...

Now just how different can you get- Your 2 machines might become good friends!

sewprimitive karen said...

Walking sticks are so entrancing to see; I've only seen one a few times. Your little machine is adorable next to the antique one.

Lily Mulholland said...

We don't have the stick insects like that but a whole lot of other ones. I love them, but can understand why you were a bit freaked out when the 'stick' started moving!

Cute op shop find too!

Quilts And Pieces said...

Fun sewing machine! And I remember seeing a walking stick once when I was a kid.