On our way to Cranberry Portage we stopped in Plumas to visit the
KickAss Courtry Store which is located in a tiny town but has an amazing selection of fabrics. I think they do a lot of online business. I got some black fabric for my kaleidoscope quilt (if I ever get back to it!) and the little gadget on the left. It is a sort of kaleidoscope that multiplies a block so you can see how it would look if there were many of them. It was only a couple of dollars so just a fun little gadget.
We stopped at a second hand book store in Swan River and I got the quilt book. It's quite old but still has some very good ideas.
I owned the first book "one of a kind quilts" which this is an update from. I had a lot of fun with it and made several quilts with the ideas.
Hi Joyce, I recently came across your blog a week or so ago by following a link on someone else's blog. I was happy to see a fellow Manitober with a blog. And now even better, I find you've been through my town of Swan River! Neato!
- a blog reader, not a blog maker...yet.
Hey - that looks like a great book. Can't wait to see what you design.
Clever little gadget, I'll have to be on the lookout for one. I don't know that book, but I'll be on the lookout for a copy of that, too, now that you've written about it.
Any location that has the words KickAss in their title has got to be a fun place to stop!
I still like the book, because the ideas are timeless.
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