One of my friends had to get some tests done at the Mayo Clinic in Rochester so I volunteered to accompany her. What trip is complete without a quilt shop? There was a Hancock's with a 60% off sale just down the street from our hotel. I got the fabrics in the photo . I think I exercised quite a bit of restraint!

The next stop was TJ Maxx where there was also a mega sale going on. I got a new suitcase for our trip to Australia, two bathing suits and some running shoes (not that I run...). I thought I was finished shopping when I spied this leather bag. I know, I have dozens of bags but this one was too beautiful to pass up. The back is the same without the butterfly. The price was right so it came home with me.
We drove home just before a big ice storm in Rochester and a predicted blizzard here that didn't actually amount to much. It's good to be home.