Yesterday at the thrift shop I found some long craft fake fur. There was quite a large piece of black, perfect for a horse's mane. I also got some yarn for the tail. I have been working a couple of hours on it but there is still a lot to do. I have to shape the legs, especially the back one and finish the background. The legs are quite difficult to get anywhere near right on these animals. Partly it's because they are so thin that there isn't much room for error. Now that I look at the picture, I think I may not do that much more shaping on the legs. It's funny how you see it differently in a picture than when you are worknig on it. Mistakes do show up more but sometimes you see that more shaping wouldn't necessarily make it look better.
What do you think?
Your animals are awesome! Can hardly wait to see what else you do.
I think you are right about how different things look in a picture. And also right about not shaping the legs too much. Horse looks very robust, & hearty!
Your farm is almost completed. I'm glad you made a goat too. I love those animals, they are so cute. This project is a big challenge indeed.
Your horse looks wonderful, very robust and healthy. I used to draw a lot of horses as a child. My solution for the lower legs and hooves was always grass!
Rêve had a look at the picture and thinks you made the farm quilt for him. he also thinks it's a story page and keeps telling me to "click on the story one". He says the story is about a lion.!
That's a sneaky way of getting the qulit! Lol. It might indeed be for Reve because his was my first one and a very poorly done one from a technical point of view. Keep your fingers crossed!
You are going to have alot of very cute animals on your quilt "farm".
Your hourse is outstanding!
This is just too too cool - and you're just freehanding it? Amazing - I can't wait to see how this comes out.
I know nothing about quilting, but I do like to shout WOO HOO with a wine in one hand.
Your horse is very cute.
Even if his back leg is very triangleish.
Canada is lovely.
I think the horse is looking mighty fine -- and you are right about pictures. I noticed that with my most recent quilt play. I wasn't sure about it until I took a picture and realized how much I liked it!
He reminds me very much of a toy horse I used to have when I was a child. Don't do too much reshapeing - I personally don't think it needs it. So we have a horse, a cow, some pigs, a goat. Any more? How about a dog and a cat. A farm needs a cat to keep the mice down and a dog to round up the sheep.
Oh and I hope you don't mind, but I have copied your woo hoo what a ride quote and posted it on Davo's blog. he is going through a really hard time and I thought it might make him laugh.
Oh my goodness - each critter is better than the last! They all have brought a smile to me.
And ... yep, that wine sometimes REALLY helps a lot of things!
I like his legs! It's in keeping with the whimsical nature of the other creatures who are going to inhabit this quilt. Great job.
I have never even mastered drawing a horse, let alone free piecing one so I can give nothing but wholehearted admiration, Tracey
I think your horse is fabulous just the way he is. Definitely agree with you about taking pictures - great way to know if a quilt/quilt block is working or not.
Yes I agree how different things look in pictures! Love the horse. I don't think you need to reshape his legs :)
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