Look what I found yesterday for 50 or 35 cents each depending on how old they were. Excuse the horrible photography and the dangling lens cover. I have never claimed to be a photographer, as you may have guessed from some of the photos I have shown. Some of the magazines are Quilters' Newsletters from the last few years. I love finding a big pile of quilting magazines. Even though I seldom follow the patterns, I get ideas for color and arrangements. Also, there is nothing better than a cup of coffee and a pile of magazines to "waste" most of a morning. Add some chocolate or pastry and it's perfect.
This one particularly impressed me. It's from 1989, which goes to show you that quilts never go out of style. I have been wanting to try Celtic Knots and also a stained glass quilt. Maybe when I am finished the farm quilt...
I also bought some new sewing machine needles. The store had titanium tipped quilting needles. They are about twice the price of regular quilting needles but I bought a package just to try them out. Now I have to be sure not to set a zigzag stitch without changing from my quarter inch foot which just has a small hole for the needle, not a slot. That takes care of a needle in half a second! I wouldn't want to do that to a $3 titanium needle, especially a new one.
what a find! good luck with the knots. that is something i have been wanting to get to, eventually, when i have more time and space...why is it that we hold a greater importance to a smaller UFO pile than to learning a new technique??
Old quilting magazines = sheer bliss! Have fun with those. Also, do the titanium needles stay sharper longer?
The farm quilt is looking really good--I like the fence idea.
Bliss, indeed to sit with new magazines & a cup of coffee or your choice of beverage.
I love that Celtic looking quilt!
I love looking through old magazines I pick up like that! I'll be interested to see how you like the titanium needles.
I thought the dangling lens cover was supposed to be in pictures . . . it shows up in mine all the time *S*
Please let us know how those needles work out!
Love your finds -- and wish I could sit down with you and share the stack!
I'm with you--nothing better than a pile of quilt magazines to loose yourself in! I can hardly wait to see your celtic knots quilt!
That is a great quilt. It is kind of Art Deco, which I really am drawn towards. I can see why you like it.
Nothing like looking through old quilting mags! And you're right....there's nothing new under the sun.
What a great score Joyce! I never find things like that here in Aus!
Ooooh that celtic pattern/quilt looks good.
Mmmm....yummy quilt magazines. Nothing better!!
I saw a lot of celtic applique at a recent quilt show...got me to thinking where I may have put those bias bars I bought and never used!
Great find on the magazines, and the celtic quilt looks very intriguing. My children would love your farm quilt. Can't wait to see when it is finished.
Quilt magazines never go out of style, so even the old ones are fun to sift thru! Enjoy. I bought a huge box at an auction once and so have a nice stash of older quilt mags. Fun fun fun! I love the farm quilt. It's turning out great. The fence is a great idea. I like it better than the stone fabric, though it doesn't look bad! Thanks for visiting my blog. Yes, my grandson wears the sunglasses without bother. In fact, my daughter said they were somewhere and when she took them off of him, he screamed! We just need to find him a little bit bigger pair, those are getting a little tight on that big head! hehe
You know me Joyce I'm a celtic quilt nut and don't need any converting - but that is definitely a very beautiful quilt indeed - have already stored it away for future reference
Quilter's and I suppose everyone, like free or nearly free great things. Lucky you!
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