I decided to go with Maggie's Farm. (Nedra, you'll like this one, having grown up on Maggie's farm.) I will probably add Down On to make it more Bob Dylan.
The dog's tail has not fallen off, it's just turned back from when I was trying different borders. If I can find a wide stripe in brown and white, I'll go with that to look a bit like a fence. I have a red and white stripe but it doesn't look that good because the stripes are too narrow. The fabric that is up there has little stones on it. It will be my second choice.
Here is a scene about half a mile from our house . It is very typical of the prairies. You can see round bales in a row on the left. We went for a walk and picked up about a hundred wood ticks each. The walk was beautiful aside from the ticks.
It is wonderful! The ticks are awful here this year! I can't even think about going outside without getting one!
There are really awful ticks here in Aussie. The paralysis ticks can kill a small dog very quickly. There are many different varieties. I have never had one on me, but our daughter who loves to go camping said they have all had them. The only ticks in NZ are not harmful to the dogs or humans, & I dont think they attack humans.
The farm quilt is coming along nicely, can't wait to see how you finish it.
Hate ticks - as Meggie said some of the ones here are dangerous to pets.
Ugh - ticks. Here we seem to have years where they are more abundant than others, but they are never fun.
Maggie's Farm is looking great. I love your animals *s*
what a wonderful view! i stumbled across your blog's from quiltpixie. in addition to your quilting, i really enjoy the quote in your profile section.
Oh, the quilt is just coming along a treat! And yep, prairie. though, in my neck of the woods you wouldn't see that much land that wasn't plowed and planted at this point.
Ticks. *shudder* Nasty little creepy crawlies.
Maggie's farm looks like a fun quilt to make. I look forward to seeing it finished.
The view is beautiful, I hope the tick situation improves.
That's turning out really cute - and I love the orange there for some reason. Are you going to put a tick on it too? Embellishing it with ladybug buttons and other insects you can find might be kinda fun... lol
Thankfully no ticks down the bottom of Australia, enough other bugs!
That just looks beter and better all the time, Maggies farm sounds great, Tracey
ps, you're making it, I'M LIVING IT!
I love your photo of the wide open spaces! Wow.
I don't think we have any nasty ticks here, well not that I know about anyway. They sound yuk.
Oh Joyce your farm is coming along brilliantly - it reminds me of this morning when I was waiting in the queue to do the school banking and a mum with her toddler in a pushchair was over the other side of the banking hall. Everyone in the queue was standing trying to avoid looking at each other and being very quiet when suddenly the little one piped up with a chorus of 'Old McDonald had a farm' It did raise the odd smile among all the grumpy people in the queue
Joyce this quilt is going to be so cute. Did I tell you I love the goat!
Maggies farm is looking better everyday! The more you add, the more I want to see! Take care and be careful of the ticks.
This farm is quite a challenge for you! I'm always curious what's coming up next.
Maggie's Farm looks great. Love all the animals.
I don't know if I would want to go off for a walk at all during tick season. How do you know you got them all off? Makes me squeamish just thinking about it.
Great Title for a quilt. It's really the best when a title fits a quilt so well.
I didn't get it until I read on and you wrote down on and Bob dylan...great singer/songwriter.
Funnily enough its the cats which pick up the ticks. We don't seem to as much, although DH did find one on his arm yesterday. That photo of the praire is beautiful. I'll show it to Alex when she gets home.
Joyce - that is one amazing quilt. I love it! Just as a matter of interest, do you keep your quilts or give them to family and friends?
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