True and Reve wanted to see their play area now that there is snow, so here goes. This is the entry to the trails. The tracks are all made by deer so you know somebody is enjoying all your hard work!

This was taken in the bush near the Humpy.

And here we have the Humpy. Do you feel like sleeping in it right now? I think it might be a bit drafty!

The tire swing would still be fun though, once you brush the snow off.

Here is the dome. You could still play on it but don't ever lick it. Ask your Mum what happens when you touch cold steel with your tongue when it's below zero. She knows from experience I'm sure.

This is the bridge taken from the creek. I was up to my knees in snow when I took this one.

Here is the bridge before I walked across it. I like the way the cross pieces show under the snow.
I think those are rabbit tracks under the bridge.

This is the second little bridge. When we had a lot of rain last fall, it washed away and now it's sitting on the bank. You'll have to come over and fix it up. You can see more little tracks. There are lots of animals out there but I didn't see any. I guess they are in their nests trying to keep warm.

And lastly, here are the little dancing guys trying to keep warm! I wanted to take video but it was just too cold. I had to keep my mitts on most of the time or I would have frozen my fingers.
Wish you were here.