I bought this book awhile ago I bought this book and yesterday I finally got around to trying her technique. I have decided that I don't have a large enough stash to do justice to this method. Or maybe I'll have to go shopping with this book in mind. I'd need to buy at least 20 different fabrics. My favorites in the book are done with Japanese fabrics. Maybe I need to go back to Blue Bamboo in Minneapolis. No, I don't want to order online. I want to go back to that store and blow my mind on all their wonderful fabrics!

I used all greens. The center bottom block is the most successful in my opinion. I was trying to get a line that would go through the block and the circle. I am relatively happy with the background arrangement but would change some of the circles if I had different fabric. One of the samples is done in all black and whites. I may give that a try since I have quite a few of them. Next time I'll sew the circles on with invisible thread. On this one I used dark thread and a hemming stitch.
I'm noticing a trend here with books that have the words play or games in the title.
I have this book too. Your library and mine seem to be similar.
I checked that book out from the guild library a couple of months ago -- very inspiring!
I like the way the balls bounce around on the piece. It's quite beautiful. Your color choices feel good to me.
That's good Joyce!
I have seen a couple of quilts made like this and they do look lovely.One won at the NZ show last year. It had old coins and things attached to the circles.
I particulaly like the ones on yours that aren't too great a contrast - that the eye has to search for a bit ( like the one you like best ).
"I'd need to buy at least 20 different fabrics"
I hereby give Joyce permission to buy, buy, buy! LOL. The quilt on the cover of that book looks amazing.
Oh yes. A real trip to a quilt store is always better than a virtual trip. But the virtual is nice in a pinch. ;-)
I have been noticing a lot of word play in books and patterns. Entertaining, isn't it!
I also have this book but haven't tried any of the quilts yet. I do like this one you've made.
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