Every couple of months a group of us get together and make a feast with a theme chosen by the host . Each person picks a couple of recipes from the chosen cookbook and then we get together and eat, eat, eat. This time the theme was vegetarian using one of the Moosewood cookbooks. The picture above shows some of the food but none of the desserts are shown here. By the time dessert rolled around nobody had energy left to get up and take a photo. This was a truly amazing meal with lots of different salads. The round yellow loaf at the back is gluten free bread and was totally amazing. The cold beet borscht was to die for. The cubed baked tofu would convert the most anti-tofu person. Center front is a cabbage-mango slaw, also amazing. I contributed knoephela soup and my lemon pie which are not in the cookbook but everyone wanted to try. It's going to be hard to top this one!