I have been a very slack blogger lately but I have my excuses ready. What with five extra people living here (their new home is available next weekend, but really we will be sorry to see them go), recovering from our trip, and trying to get ready for the studio tour next weekend, my days have been rather full.

This is a photo of the layout I have decided on for the Wonky Log Cabin quilt. I hope to get it sewn together before the tour but it doesn't look likely. Our days are pretty well booked up for all of next week unless I can slide in a bit of sewing early in the morning. Meanwile I have started cleaning and organizing the studio.
We have Summer's quilt, which she finished piecing while we were away, ready to pin. She has still not decided on how to quilt it but she did make two very cute pillows to go with it. I suggested something easy because once school starts on Wed. she won't have much time to work on it.
Hopefully, after the next couple of weeks, things will slow down and I will finish the Double Wedding Ring and Log Cabin and get the Double Irish Chain on the quilting frame. Then I will feel free to start something new. Not sure what it will be yet but maybe something else scrappy.