This morning I almost finished the quilting on this quilt. I just have to pin it back on the frame to do the two side borders. I was about six inches from the end when I broke a needle. Changed the needle, took three stitches and broke another one. Had trouble inserting the next needle (lucky thing the machine came with several spare needles but I do need to get some more) but finally got it in. Checked the quilt and found a hidden pin that was the culprit. That took an extra half hour of fiddling around. Now I need to trim it a bit and do those last two borders. It will be a long one to bind though, because it is so huge and I am not the world's fastest hand sewer. Still, the end is in sight.
Fantastic Joyce! I spent the day doing some quilting too, but called it quits when I was having trouble with it last night.
If I lived next door, or even the town over from you, I would come and help you with hand stitching your binding... 8-)
Have a great day!
So there's a light at the end of the tunnel! Great job!
I left a piece of a broken needle (a handquilt needle size 12!) in DD's quilt. Every now and than she feels it, but she's unable to find it and get it out. I told her it is intended to think of her mum every now and then *lol*
Well done Joyce :) I can imagine that will take a few sessions to get the binding on, but you are so close to the finish!
After that large of a quilt you probably know more realistically what you can do on the frame. Could you have had bigger than a 3" design to work with on this large of a quilt? It looks really good.
Way to go - glad you found that pesky pin . . . it could have caused even more drama on down the line *s*
Oooh...owie. Glad you found it! Maybe you'll want to keep an eye on your bobbin case and your hook assembly...to see that it doesn't have a nasty burr on it.
LOVE the quilt! I'm always excited to see just those simple pieces of fabric turn into something so striking. Great job!
Super quilt. Every once in a while, a pin gives me trouble, too.
It looks so good! I actually enjoy the handsewing- specially if I can find a patch of sun, to sit in!
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