Some people have chosen a word to inspire them throughout the year and after some deliberation I have decided to use the word ENJOY. As I get older, I feel more and more that it is important to live in the moment and spend less time regretting the past or anticipating the future.
I don't usually make more than one resolution. Last year it was to stop pointing out my mistakes on my quilts. I have been able to curb the habit, even though I have not completely eradicated it. This year I want to photograph the results of my favorite recipes. We used to have a family cooking blog, starting with my mother-in-law's best recipes. She was a famous cook and had lots of them. The web page disappeared during a change of servers one time and we haven't gotten it back up yet. I'd like to eventually make the recipes into a family cookbook with illustrations, maybe for Christmas gifts for next year. I have been thinking of starting a cooking blog with this in mind. Right now my DDs and I are trying to come up with a name for it. I spent no time at all thinking of a name for this blog because I just wanted to try it to see if I could get it working. If I had thought for a second that it would turn into such a wonderful experience for me I would have tried to be a bit more creative. So far, for the cooking blog we have come up with Kitchen Table Goodies or we can go with our previous title, The Debreuil Family Cookbook. We are trying for something that is not already taken by a web page so we can eventually make it into a web page as well.

So far I have three pictures of food. Here are my mother's gingersnaps that the kids and grandkids love. You will be able to get the recipe as soon as I have the food blog ready. I'll be announcing it here very soon, I hope.