I decided to play along with Tonya's Fungly challenge but of course, I have to do it my way. I couldn't find a piece of fabric that I considered really Fungly so intstead I have gone back to my trusty scrap bag and tried unlikely combinations. I chose a wonky block from Collaborative Quilting. I did follow the rule about no ripping out, which explains why the orange and green one in the middle row has one triangle on backwards. I guess this just proves that Freddy Moran's theory that ten colors can look wrong but 100 are always right.
When I got tired of piecing the little blocks (they end up at about 4 inches square) I made some strips and cut them into triangles. I find them a bit too big for the blocks but in the spirit of Fungly, I guess I should use them anyway. I had thought of putting a wonky border around each of the little blocks. Can you say "overkill"?
I did get my braid quilt back on the frame and quilted about two inches before I ran out of brown thread. I was sure I had another spool but I must have used it for something else, so I was stalled on that. I could have made a backing for the B&W but why do that when you can start something new?
I like this- very creative and in the spirit of fun, maybe not quite fungly...but for sure wonky!
I think that unlikely combos. & less than accurate piecing are part of the challenge too.
I love the whole thing! The unlikely combinations...the wonky cutting...and the ratio of largeness and smallness. It's just plain FUN! Enjoy!
looks like you're having a good time :-)
What a fun idea!
Playtime! Looks fun! Enjoy!
Happy stitchings!
I like how you made Fungly your own! I really like that style of border. My Project Linus group is going to be making a fungly quilt Thurs night -- can't wait.
I agree, start something new!
love it, J, esp the block that's waving at me - glad you left that in. I want more of these little blocks!
Looks so great. I want to play, too. I had already decided to do the challenge as soon as I get a minute but now I'm totally inspired. Thanks so much for sharing.
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