These goodies arrived in the mail yesterday from Kristin at Knit one Quilt Too
Other people's scraps are so much fun to look through. There are a lot of scrap blocks that will soon be joining some of mine. The amazing thing is that I didn't see one single piece that I already have in my stash. She also enclosed some great smelling (and tasting) vanilla tea and some soap. Thanks a million Kristin.

Speaking of stash, here is my pitiful little stash in the new shelving unit. I think I'll have to do some serious shopping! Of course, I still have a couple of plastic containers full of scraps and a clothes horse groaning under its load of strips. Still, there is a LOT of extra room here. The second shelf from the bottom is the batting and backing for the quilt I am working on right now so it will be empty fairly soon. The bottom shelf is yardage for two more kaleidoscope quilts.

Looks like you are having fun with these scraps,,humm maybe will have to send you more when I can get to my stuff in Oct (lol). I agree, need a little more in you stash or spread them around or puff them up LOL...nice to read your blog Joyce...Lise
I love looking at scraps and I just can't get rid of them even the smallest one. I event tell myself I'll make a postage stamp quilt someday. I don't think so, no, I know so. LOL! Have fun collecting fabric.
Scraps are just the best . . . they really tell the whole story. The new shelves look great!
woo-hoo! Congrats on a tidy fabric stash! I'm working on tidying mine (I tend to refold fabric when I'm in a creative slump) - the only problem I'm having is that when I pull something from near the bottom of the stack, I have to be careful not to disrupt the rest.
In the grand scheme of things, if I can get my fabric stash to be a pretty as yours, I can deal with being careful!
Those first two pictures really make me giddy...is that how everyone gets about scraps? LOL
Isn't it amazing how many scraps pile up? Its wonderful to get an infusion of "new to you" for that pile too :-)
I love seeing other's scraps too. Getting a bagful is a real treat.
I know what you'll be doing this long weekend Joyce! Sorting through all those scraps. lol Nice to see your organized shelves of fabric; would you like to organize my fabric?? hehe
I'm so envious of your tidy cupboard! Also of the scraps and orphans you have been given. other people's orphans are much more interesting than your own, and you can chop them up as you don't have the same emotional investment! Have fun!
Scraps are the hardest to store -- I've read other people's systems and I guess I'm just not sure enough yet of what will work for me. But they are fun!! Your shelves look great.
What a lovely gift from Kristin!
You're welcome! I'm just catching up on the blogs after a little trip and noticed this. I'm so glad you like them! I hope you have fun using them. Be sure to let me know what you make of them.
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