I tried the quilt with no sashing and, although you do see a secondary pattern, it's too jumbled looking. I will just continue my search for the right gray. I am thinking there might be a batik that is mostly gray with a soft pattern on it. I can wait until I find the right one, or maybe dye some muslin that I have.
I have made another chicken. I took a picture during the process. I build them up like Tonya's wonky houses or letters . I haven't been able to think of doing wonky yet because they are so complex to make. I start with a rough drawing divided into squares and triangles. Then I decide what colors would look good for each part.
Doing this one again, I would use triangles on the corners to round the head a bit. I would also try to put triangles on the end of the brown wings. I am debating whether I should embroider eyes or glue on plastic one s that I have or just leave them as they are. I will decide that later when I start to assemble them. I want to try a rooster as well.
Your chickens are all just so adorable. As to the sashing, I didn't like the gray, but I did like it without sashing, and with the sashing continuation that Nellie suggested. I think it is good when you can't see where the block starts and ends. If you can't find the right gray, you might want to look at the whites. Or a different black and white print. I like the way it looks with blank spaces on your design wall.
They are all turning out so cute! I know you didn't ask - but if they were my chickens I think I'd sew on different little buttons for their eyes.
I like the button idea for the eyes. They are very cute.
I like the sashing but not the grey. I do see the secondary design.
This is fun! I love that last chicken in the pics. Very interesting to see how you design them.
fantastic chickens, Joyce, they are just adorable!
I love your 'free-range' chickens! Lots of fun! I also think the black and white sashing is nice for the blocks. I like the way it adds a new pattern.
You are really on a roll with the chicks - they are just great.
I am impressed by your chickens! Well done!
your chicken blocks are coming along nicely.
Great details - I love the little triangles on the head. See, you get better and better as you go. Marvelous job.
did you draw those out on graph paper? Or start sewing/cutting-no pattern. either way, very nice.
Personally, I like the black and white sashing and am not crazy about the no-sashing look. And I agree that particular grey doesn't work. Not very helpful, probably, but for what it's worth... I'm enjoying the chickens, I have to say, and I'm not really a chicken person at all - or at least, not in quilts - I like 'em fine in red wine with some bacon...
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