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Monday, March 19, 2007

We're Back!

We had a wonderful weekend in the North. We drove about 6 hours north from where we live almost touching the US border, to a small Metis community called Barrows. We saw wonderful scenery, went on a snowmobile ride to a winter camp in the woods and to a social evening. At the social we heard great fiddle music featuring 5 guitars and up to 3 fiddles all going strong. It was wonderful.
We met a lady who does Eco-tours and also makes salves and soaps from local plants. She also sells sweetgrass bundles and art made by biting birchbark. These are all Native crafts that she is helping to keep alive.
Thanks to Blaine, our gracious host, we were able to buy some fresh caught fish to bring home. He was kind enough to spend an hour filleting them for us. We also ate the best Jackfish (AKA Northern Pike) meal that I ever tasted.
All in all, it was a wonderful relaxing weekend.


Pam said...

Sounds like a great holiday. Such fun to have great fiddle music to listen to.

Were you sleeping in the tent? I think that might be a bit more than I would be up for - LOL

Unknown said...

It seems we were not the only ones to have snow the last days! It seems you had a great week end. I love fish as well, a shame I could not join although a night in the tent, well maybe not!!

Donna said...

birch bark bitting is so beautiful! I've only seen finished work, never having met someone who actually des it...

meggie said...

Sounds like the perfect holiday break!
So glad you had a great time.
Fish is my favourite.

Anonymous said...

I am jealous!! lol

Diana said...

What a great weekend! Please tell me you didn't sleep in that tent! LOL

Nellie's Needles said...

All that was worth leaving your quilting for. Thanks for the report of all the interesting and fun things you enjoyed. My mouth is watering and I want to go find a cd with some good fiddle music to listen to.

Lori (A.K.A. Elkhoundmom) said...

Sounds like it was a really great change of pace!

Ali Honey said...

What fun! I think I sense a fish quilt coming next after your chickens?

Lily Mulholland said...

Wow Joyce that is as about different a holiday as you can have in Australia! Sounds like lots of fun though. Wonderful!

Clare said...

You didn't, you weren't - please tell me you didn't camp!

Fresh fish - yum. Glad you had a good time.

Cynthia said...

glad to hear you had good time.

Feeling Simply Quilty said...

I want to go camping again. We had so much fun, when our girls were little, but we haven't done it in a long time...miss it...

Libby said...

I'm far to 'city-fied' for tent camping in the snow, but a good evening of fiddle music would be hard to pass up. Sounds like a lot of fun.

Judy said...

BRRRRR....looks cold to me! Glad you had a wonderful time. Now, the fiddle music and the fresh fish sound great, as do the native crafts. It is so important that folks pass that stuff on!

Darcie said...

Northern Pike can taste good, you're saying?! ;-) Around here...a lot of fishermen -- who wander up North near where you probably were -- pickle their NP like herring.

Sounds like you had a wonderful getting-back-to-nature adventure! The scenery must be breathtaking up there!

Susan said...

You camped in the snow? Oh boy, I just can't imagine.

Carol said...

Good gracious. That picture is like something out of a movie set for me. I can't even compute! It sounds like you've had a lovely holiday. But it looks sooooo cold!!! brrrrrrr.