I took apart the rooster I showed you yesterday. It just looked too goofy for my taste. I have the new one half put together. I kept the comb and wattles (is that what they are called?). The tail and the bottom of the body are just placed there to see how they look. I will do a lot more work on the tail feathers. I tried legs like they have in the book but they look a bit wierd for some reason. Maybe when there is green around them and feet ore attached they will look better.
This one looks a lot more like what I am trying for than the other one did.
This guy looks like a man of action.....
He's great - don't know what he'll look like when he's got legs but he looks to me like he's runnning forwards whilst looking backwards (in a comedy chicken kind of way).
Brilliant! He has got such a lively look.
yup, the head "pops" a lot better here and gives him a real character!
I like how he's lookin' over his shoulder -- with all those gals around, he's got to watch his back *s*
He really does look like a rooster - well done.
I think he is the best one you have pieced yet...he has SPUNK!
I am so much enjoying seeing your chickens come togeather. I am anxiously awaiting the finished project. Thank you for showing the daily progress.
Hi Joyce,
I guess you knew that I collect chickens, so this quilt/wallhanging must be for me. I hope I didn't ruin a surprise!! LOL I do love what you are doing. I haven't been to visit your blog for a few days, and you've moved on from those lovely houses to poultry! My oh my!!
He is a pretty handsome looking rooster you got there. The chickens do look different with eyes. I like the eyes.
what a handsome cockadoodle doo, his dating list is already a mile long with all his ladies waiting for him I hope he's got some pro plus energy tablets under his wings. Just absolutely love what you are doing I so enjoy how you are putting the birdies together.
What a beauty! I bet he will just strut among those gorgeous chickens!
He's looking quite handsome...reminds me of some of the Bantie roosters that we enjoyed a few years back.
It's fun watching each and every feathered creature of yours come to life, Joyce!
They are Fab and I enjoy watching you quilts as they progress I have been watching the blocks come together but I have not been commenting. The green is right on for this boy.
Looking Good!
Just popped over from Meggie and have enjoyed seeing your projects. I'm a teacher who gardens and still has dependent offspring and parents, so have no hope of being able to quilt for a while, but the desire is growing daily as I see lots of lovely things on blogs. I did make a patchwork cushion cover once! Four years or so till I retire...
Hi Joyce - I have been by to see yoiu but couldn't leave a message. Thanks to DH (as noted in previous comment) and some trial and erroe, I can now leave messages.
Now back to your blog. I agree with Pam, The eyes are good. I think you shsould put them on the hens.
I love your cock, He looks like he rules the roost. In fact, if you haven't given it a name, I have a sugestion "Cock of the Walk."
Hi, with regard to your little rant about spelling etc on your comment on my blog (for which thanks) - how I agree! I'm rapidly turning into a Grumpy Old Woman...
There need to be more like us!
Good work on this rooster, he's amazing and will certainly set all the chickens straight on the quilt! Great job, it's completely wonderful.
I can't wait to see the finished product. Like the poultry...smile
I can't believe how many chickens you have made since i last visited! They just keep getting better and better! Very cute!
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